posty.renderer package

Module contents

class posty.renderer.AtomRenderer(site, output_path='build')[source]

Bases: posty.renderer.feed.FeedRenderer

Renderer that outputs an Atom feed XML file

filename = 'atom.xml'

Output the Atom feed file


Return the URL to this feed file

class posty.renderer.HtmlRenderer(site, output_path='build')[source]

Bases: posty.renderer.base.Renderer

Renderer that outputs HTML files


Do a first-pass rendering of each post and page text, treating the text as Jinja2 templates. This lets us use basic jinja in the markdown to be able to use filter functions like this:

{{ "img/cool_pic.jpg" | media_url }}

render_page(page, template_name='page.html')[source]
Parameters:page – a Page object
render_post(post, template_name='post.html')[source]
Parameters:post – a Post object
render_posts(posts, prefix='', template_name='posts.html')[source]

Render a list of posts as sets of pages where each page has num_posts_per_page posts. Each page of posts will be rendered to the path page/:page/index.html relative to the Renderer output_path

If prefix is given, add that will be put in between the output_path and page path. For example if the prefix is ‘tags/foo/’ then a page path would look like ‘tags/foo/page/:page/index.html’


Given a Site object, render all of its components

Parameters:site – a loaded Site object

Renders all of the multi-post pages, N per page


Renders all of the per-tag multi-post pages, N per page

class posty.renderer.JsonRenderer(site, output_path='build')[source]

Bases: posty.renderer.base.Renderer

Renderer that outputs a JSON representation of the Site to site.json within the output directory


Render the Site to site.json

class posty.renderer.RssRenderer(site, output_path='build')[source]

Bases: posty.renderer.feed.FeedRenderer

Renderer that outputs a RSS feed XML file

filename = 'rss.xml'

Output the RSS feed file


Return the URL to this feed file

class posty.renderer.Posty1RedirectRenderer(site, output_path='build')[source]

Bases: posty.renderer.base.Renderer

Renderer which creates pages to redirect old Posty1 URLs to new Posty2 URLs

Old Posty1 post URLs are in the form of: /:year/:month/:old_slug.html

Posty2 URLs are in the form of: /:year/:month/:slug/index.html
