Source code for

from future.standard_library import install_aliases
install_aliases()   # noqa

import os.path
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import yaml

from .exceptions import InvalidObject
from .model import Model
from .util import slugify

[docs]class Post(Model): """ Representation of a post """
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, file_contents, config=None): """ Returns a Post from the given file_contents """ parts = file_contents.split("---\n") if not parts[0]: # nothing before the first --- parts.pop(0) post = yaml.load(parts[0]) if len(parts[1:]) == 1: # Post that has no blurb, just a body post['blurb'] = parts[1] post['body'] = parts[1] elif len(parts[1:]) == 2: # Post with a blurb and a separate body post['blurb'] = parts[1] post['body'] = "\n".join(parts[1:]) else: raise InvalidObject('Got too many YAML documents in post') post['blurb'] = post['blurb'].strip() post['body'] = post['body'].strip() return cls(post, config=config)
[docs] def to_yaml(self): """ Returns the YAML and text representation of this Post. This is the reverse of ``from_yaml()`` """ metadata = { 'title': self['title'], 'date': self['date'], 'tags': self['tags'], } body = self['body'] output = yaml.dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False) if self['blurb'] != self['body']: output += "---\n" output += self['blurb'].strip() output += "\n" body = body.replace(self['blurb'], '') output += "---\n" output += body.strip() return output
[docs] def validate(self): required_fields = ('title', 'date', 'blurb', 'body') for field in required_fields: if field not in self.payload.keys(): raise InvalidObject( 'Post is missing a {} field in the metadata'.format(field) ) self.payload.setdefault('tags', []) self.payload.setdefault('slug', slugify(self.payload['title']))
[docs] def url(self): path = '{}/{:02d}/{}/'.format( self.payload['date'].year, self.payload['date'].month, self.payload['slug'] ) return urljoin(self.config['base_url'], path)
[docs] def path_on_disk(self): return os.path.join( str(self.payload['date'].year), '{:02d}'.format(self.payload['date'].month), self.payload['slug'], )