Source code for posty.renderer.util

from future.standard_library import install_aliases
install_aliases()   # noqa

from markdown import markdown as md
from urllib.parse import urljoin

# Jinja2 template filters

[docs]def markdown(text): """ Returns the rendered version of the given Markdown text """ return md(text, tab_length=2, extensions=['markdown.extensions.fenced_code'])
[docs]def media_url_func(site): """ Returns a filter function that returns a full media URL for the given file, scoped to the given Site object. For example, if the Site has its base_url set to '/foo/' then: img/my_picture.jpg -> /foo/media/img/my_picture.jpg """ def media_url(path): base_path = urljoin(site.config['base_url'], 'media/') return urljoin(base_path, path) return media_url
[docs]def absolute_url_func(site): """ Returns a markdown filter function that returns an absolute URL for the given relative URL, simply concatenating config['base_url'] with the URL. """ def absolute_url(path): return urljoin(site.config['base_url'], path) return absolute_url